Commit f76d70

2025-02-26 06:11:49 Ian Ferguson: -/-
"a/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your enemies\342\200\" "b/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your .. enemies\342\200\"
"a/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your enemies\342\200\" .. "b/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your enemies\342\200\"
@@ 10,3 10,5 @@
See an excerpt of the Fox News interview with J.D. Vance here:
Read Pope Francis’ pastoral letter here:
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