Commit 718d4a

2025-02-26 05:57:23 Ian Ferguson: -/-
"a/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your enemies\342\200\" "b/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your .. enemies\342\200\"
"a/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your enemies\342\200\" .. "b/ianferguson/sunday\342\200\231s reflection - \342\200\234love your enemies\342\200\"
@@ 1,5 1,5 @@
- # Sunday’s Reflection - “Love your enemies”
- Last Sunday in reflecting on Luke 6:27-38 — Love your enemies — I asked what might it look like for us to accept Jesus’ inversion of the world order, and to act accordingly? What kind of loving is demanded of us by this profound shift in our understanding of love and obligation?
+ # Reflection - “Love your enemies”
+ On Sunday 23rd February in reflecting on Luke 6:27-38 — Love your enemies — I asked what might it look like for us to accept Jesus’ inversion of the world order, and to act accordingly? What kind of loving is demanded of us by this profound shift in our understanding of love and obligation?
Here is a summary of my reflection:
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