Commit 30495a

2025-01-20 03:43:57 John Hurst: complete the How is it Different paragraph ..
@@ 40,4 40,4 @@
Russell Crawford and Susan Karoly, in their leadership of 10am worship on Sunday 19 Jan 2025, spoke of each of us discerning the gifts of the spirit that we each might perceive. I have made a start on mine in my home page, [John Hurst](/-/JohnHurst).
## How is it different from the Psalter?
+ While the GWIK is also a wiki, it is not meant to replace the Psalter. To be fair, the Psalter did have much the same motivations as this GWIKi, but it has become much more, and the uses that people have found for it now outweigh the Psalter's original motivations. This GWIKi is intended to be much less formal, much more casual, and a much more welcoming place to share conversations with other parishioners. It is a place for sharing, and not a church repository. That is boring meeting stuff, and we don't want that here. We hope you see it the same way.
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