John Hurst's Teaching Quotes

"Teaching should be guided by the Predict, Observe, Explain philosophy." (Ian Mitchell, seminar to FCIT, 5 Oct 1995)

"Classroom Researchers are not looking for a law of human behaviour, an if-then formula to them that if they teach in a certain way, then a certain kind of learning will occur - or even that such learning will occur in 62 percent of the students." (Patricia Cross and Mimi Steadman, Classroom Research - Implementing the scholarship of teaching, Jossey-Bass, 1996, p17)

Goss and Boyd define "The Scholarship of Teaching is an iterative, ongoing, visible, defensible, open, shared and ordered approach to the educative dimension of university work which fosters familiarity with teaching and learning theory, rigour and focused direction in active participation and evaluation, creativity in design and approach, reflection on action and aims to produce quality outcomes for all stakeholders alike. (The scholarship of teaching: An exploration of interpretations of the scholarship of teaching and the role of `online learning and teaching' as a trigger)

Goss and Boyd: "Has the uptake of emerging technologies provided opportunities for academics to:


From Robert Ubell, Vice Dean Emeritus of Online Learning at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering:

... most MOOC founders were unaware that a pedagogical revolution was already under way at the nation’s universities: The traditional lecture was being rejected by many scholars, practitioners, and, most tellingly, tech-savvy students. MOOC advocates also failed to appreciate the existing body of knowledge about learning online, built over the last couple of decades by adventurous faculty who were attracted to online teaching for its innovative potential, such as peer-to-peer learning, virtual teamwork, and interactive exercises. These modes of instruction, known collectively as “active” learning, encourage student engagement, in stark contrast to passive listening in lectures. Indeed, even as the first MOOCs were being unveiled, traditional lectures were on their way out.

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