My Emacs Setup Suite


Version 1.3.2

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 The .emacs file
2.1 Emacs or XEmacs?
2.2 UTF-8
2.3 Setting the load path
2.4 Basic Customization
2.5 Time zone customization
2.6 Face and Colour customization
2.7 Load Macro Collections
2.8 Setup Hooks
2.9 Multiple Frames
2.10 XEmacs customization
2.11 Emacs customization
2.12 Various Application Customizations
2.12.1 The PSGML SGML editing mode
2.12.2 XML Support for PSGML
2.12.3 Note on System Identifiers
2.12.4 Ulrich Windl's Code
2.13 The Makefile
3 Date and Time
4 Indices
4.1 Files
4.2 Chunks
4.3 Identifiers

1. Introduction

This is the .emacs file as customized for John Hurst.

The .emacs file, which should reside in your home directory, allows you to customize the behavior of Emacs. In general, changes to your .emacs file will not take effect until the next time you start up Emacs. You can load it explicitly with `M-x load-file RET ~/.emacs RET'.

There is a great deal of documentation on customization in the Emacs manual. You can read this manual with the online Info browser: type `C-h i' or select "Emacs Info" from the "Help" menu.

2. The .emacs file

A major issue to resolve at the start is whether we are setting up to run Xemacs or GNU Emacs. The basic approach I am settling upon is to not make a top level branch, but to put switches in whatever specific customization is occuring. This may contradict some of the statements and code below, since the process of conversion is not yet complete.

This is revisited (20030120:094835) because under mac OSX 10.2.3 running Apple X11 beta, emacs does not work under X11, but does as an Aqua application. XEmacs on the other hand works as X11, but not Aqua. So I need both once again.

".emacs" 2.1 =
;;; -*- Mode: Emacs-Lisp -*- ;;; ;;; ********************************************************** ;;; * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! * ;;; * Use $HOME/Computers/MySources/Emacs/emacs.xlp instead * ;;; ********************************************************** ;;; <define whether emacs or xemacs 2.2> <setup UTF-8 2.3> <set up load path 2.4,2.5,2.6> <basic customization 2.7,2.8> <face and colour customization 2.11,2.13> <set time zone 2.9> <load up macro collections 2.14> <set some variables 2.15> <handle various windowing methods 2.20> **** Chunk omitted! <setup hooks 2.21> <set up autoloads 2.26> <global key bindings 2.27> <set the frame titles 2.28> <setup keyboard 2.29> <create multiple frames 2.31> <XEmacs customization 2.32> <Emacs customization 2.44> ;;; ;;; The End ;;;

2.1 Emacs or XEmacs?

Since there is just the one .emacs file, we have to parameterize things with respect to which system of emacs we are running, Emacs or XEmacs. While in earlier versions I tened to switch between them, the recent GNU Emacs versions (20.3 on) have provided all the facilities I need, so I'm sticking with that for the moment. We can pick which emacs we are in from the variable emacs-version, and this is used to set one of the variables running-xemacs and running-emacs to true (obviously not both!). These variables are subsequently used wherever there needs to be a distinction made in the setup or customization.

<define whether emacs or xemacs 2.2> =
(defvar running-xemacs (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid" emacs-version)) (defvar running-emacs (not running-xemacs))
Chunk referenced in 2.1

2.2 UTF-8

<setup UTF-8 2.3> =
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; set up unicode (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) (set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8) (set-terminal-coding-system 'utf-8) (set-keyboard-coding-system 'utf-8) ;; This from a japanese individual. I hope it works. (setq default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8) ;; From Emacs wiki (setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING))
Chunk referenced in 2.1

I know very little about what UTF-8 means to emacs, so I just copied this from a web page. I think it works! Note that I had to move it up to the front of the file - again I don't know why this has to be.

2.3 Setting the load path

This is akin to setting the PATH variable at the shell level. The emacs variable load-path determines where any load files are searched. The load-path is set to different things depending upon whether we are xemacs or not.

<set up load path 2.4> =
(setq homedir (getenv "HOME")) (defvar my-emacs-dir "/Computers/emacs") (setq load-path (append (list (concat homedir my-emacs-dir) (concat homedir my-emacs-dir "/lisp") "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp" "/usr/share/emacs/22.1/lisp/progmodes" "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/psgml" "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp" "/sw/share/emacs22/site-lisp/nxml-mode" ) load-path) )
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.4,2.5,2.6

These are the default ones: both emacs and xemacs use this. If a file is defined in both the emacs and xemacs subdirectories, the latter will be found first and override the emacs version.

<set up load path 2.5> =
(cond (running-xemacs (setq load-path (append (list (concat homedir "/.xemacs") ) load-path))) )
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.4,2.5,2.6

The XEmacs only ones.

<set up load path 2.6> =
(setq load-path (append nil load-path))
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.4,2.5,2.6

Finally, include a nil at the start of the list. This indicates we want to search the current directory first.

2.4 Basic Customization

Enable the commands narrow-to-region (C-x n n) and eval-expression (M-ESC, or ESC ESC). Both are useful commands, but they can be confusing for a new user, so they can be commented out if necessary.

<basic customization 2.7> =
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil) (put 'eval-expression 'disabled nil) (setq host (system-name))
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.7,2.8

Make the sequence C-x w execute the what-line command, which prints the current line number in the echo area. I use kp-insert t l for this function, so it is commented out.

<basic customization 2.8> =
;(global-set-key "\C-xw" 'what-line) ;(global-set-key "\M-s" 'save-buffer)
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.7,2.8

2.5 Time zone customization

Xemacs has a bug that when using pre-built binaries, it uses the time zone under which it was built, not the local time zone. (See XEmacs FAQ,\#Q2_1_19)

It also does not respond correctly to the ``Australia/Victoria'' rule. Why, I don't know. You have to change manually the GMT-10 to GMT-11 when it is daylight savings time because of this.

<set time zone 2.9> =
(cond (running-xemacs (set-time-zone-rule "GMT-10")) <default time zone rule 2.10> **** Chunk omitted! )
Chunk referenced in 2.1
<default time zone rule 2.10> =
(t (set-time-zone-rule "Australia/Victoria"))
Chunk referenced in 2.9

2.6 Face and Colour customization

I like to have pretty background colours and stuff. Here's where we set all that.

<face and colour customization 2.11> =
(setq ararat-colour "rgb:ff/ff/cc") (setq ballarat-colour "rgb:cc/ff/66") (setq bendigo-colour "rgb:ff/cc/cc") (setq bittern-colour "rgb:dd/ff/ff") (setq clematis-colour "rgb:99/ff/ff") (setq dimboola-colour "rgb:dd/ff/dd") (setq murtoa-colour "rgb:ff/ff/99") (setq rainbow-colour "rgb:cc/ff/99") (setq hawthorn-colour "rgb:cc/ff/ff") (string-match "\\([^.]*\\)" (system-name)) (setq host (match-string 0 (system-name))) (setq server host) (cond ((or (equal server "ararat")) (setq background-colour ararat-colour) ) ((or (equal server "bittern") (equal server "dhcp84-140") (equal server "localhost") (string-match "roaming-.*" server) (string-match "bsit-.*" server) (string-match "dyn-.*" server)) (setq background-colour bittern-colour) ) ((equal server "clematis") (setq background-colour clematis-colour) ) ((equal server "ballarat") (setq background-colour ballarat-colour) ) ((equal server "bendigo") (setq background-colour bendigo-colour) ) ((equal server "dimboola") (setq background-colour dimboola-colour) ) ((equal server "murtoa") (setq background-colour murtoa-colour) ) ((equal server "rainbow") (setq background-colour rainbow-colour) ) (t (setq background-colour hawthorn-colour) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.11,2.13
<customization 2.12> =
(custom-set-variables ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. '(gud-gdb-command-name "gdb --annotate=1") '(large-file-warning-threshold nil) '(py-indent-offset 2) '(tool-bar-mode nil nil (tool-bar))) (setq which-emacs nil) (if (or (string-match "/Applications/" invocation-directory) (string-match "/Applications/Aquamacs" invocation-directory)) (progn (setq which-emacs "MacOSX") (string-match ".*:\\([^/]*\\)/\\([^/]*\\)/\\([^/]*\\)" background-colour) (setq red (match-string 1 background-colour)) (setq green (match-string 2 background-colour)) (setq blue (match-string 3 background-colour)) (setq background-colour (concat "rgb:" blue "/" green "/" red)) )) (if which-emacs (custom-set-faces '(default ((t (:stipple nil :foreground "black" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 90 :width normal :family "apple-monaco") ) )) ) '(font-lock-keyword-face ((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light)) (:foreground "Red" :inverse-video nil)))) '(nxml-element-prefix-face ((t (:foreground "#007700")))) '(nxml-name-face ((((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "#ff1111")))) '(nxml-tag-delimiter-face ((t (:inherit nxml-name-face)))) '(nxml-tag-slash-face ((t (:background "white" :foreground "#661111"))) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.44
<face and colour customization 2.13> =
(unless running-xemacs (set-foreground-color "black") (setq fontstr "6x10") (or (string= "6x10" (cdr (assoc 'font (frame-parameters)))) (condition-case nil (set-default-font fontstr) (error (setq fontstr "-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--9-90-75-75-m-90-mac-roman") (set-default-font fontstr) ) ) ) (set-face-font 'default fontstr) (set-face-background 'default background-colour) (set-face-background 'mode-line "brown") (set-face-foreground 'mode-line "white") (set-face-font 'mode-line fontstr) (set-face-background 'region "yellow") )
Chunk referenced in 2.1
Chunk defined in 2.11,2.13

2.7 Load Macro Collections

Now get various collections of macros.

<load up macro collections 2.14> =
(load "ajhmac") (load "date-time") (load "files") ;(load "sgml-catalog-links") ;(load-library "mh-e")
Chunk referenced in 2.1

I was going to add a link to pull up some handy definitions of PUBLIC identifiers through sgml-catalog-links, but it all got a bit too hard for me thinking how to do it. Perhaps another time.

<set some variables 2.15> =
<set term file prefix 2.16> **** Chunk omitted! <set version control 2.17> <set number of old versions kept 2.18> <get environment 2.19> ;(setq trim-versions-without-asking t) ;(setq make-backup-files t) ;(setq backup-by-copying-when-linked t) ;(delete-menu-item `("File" "Frame on Other Display...")) <psgml xml mode variables 2.47,2.48,2.49>
Chunk referenced in 2.1
<set term file prefix 2.16> = (setq term-file-prefix "/home/ajh/emacs/term/")
Chunk referenced in 2.15

Identify where terminal parameters are located. Commented out, since we don't have differing terminals. (I think.)

<set version control 2.17> = (setq version-control t)
Chunk referenced in 2.15

Control use of version numbers for backup files. t means make numeric backup versions unconditionally. nil means make them for files that have some already. `never' means do not make them.

<set number of old versions kept 2.18> = (setq kept-old-versions 6)
Chunk referenced in 2.15

Handle various windowing methods.

<get environment 2.19> =
(string-match "\\([^.]*\\)" (system-name)) (setq host (match-string 0 (system-name))) (setq server host)
Chunk referenced in 2.15

This used to perform a call on getenv to collect three environment variables set by my bash_profile. Since moving to xdm, which doesn't run

<handle various windowing methods 2.20> =
(if (and running-xemacs (eq (console-type) 'x)) (progn (require 'tile-screens "tile") ;;(setq default-frame-alist ;; (append '((left . -0) (top . 0) (height . 43) (width . 80)) ;; default-frame-alist)) (setq initial-frame-alist default-frame-alist) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.1

2.8 Setup Hooks

Set my hook and other variables

<setup hooks 2.21> =
;(indented-text-mode) ;(setq text-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill) <setup tex-mode hook 2.22> <setup calendar hook 2.23> **** Chunk omitted! <setup sgml hook 2.24> <setup server hooks 2.25> ;(display-time) ; run the time display ;(diary) ;(add-hook 'diary-hook 'appt-make-list) (if running-emacs (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions (lambda (frame) (select-frame frame) (let ((bgc (getenv "BGCOLOUR"))) (if bgc (set-background-color bgc)) ) (condition-case nil (set-default-font "6x10") (error (set-default-font "-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--9-90-75-75-m-90-mac-roman"))) (set-foreground-color "black") (set-face-background 'default background-colour) (set-face-foreground 'mode-line "white") (set-face-background 'mode-line "brown") (set-face-font 'mode-line "-apple-monaco-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-m-100-mac-roman") (set-face-background 'region "yellow") ) ) (add-hook 'create-frame-hook (lambda () (set-face-background (find-face 'default) "rgb:f/f/c") ) ) ) ;(setq enable-local-variables t)
Chunk referenced in 2.1

Note the subtle difference between Emacs and XEmacs in setting the background colour

<setup tex-mode hook 2.22> =
(setq tex-mode-hook (function (lambda () (turn-on-auto-fill) (load "ajh-tex") (local-set-key "\C-ce" 'mc-env) (local-set-key "\C-ci" 'mc-italic) (local-set-key "\C-cb" 'mc-boldface) (local-set-key "\C-ct" 'mc-typewriter) (local-set-key "\C-cv" 'mc-verbatim) (local-set-key "\C-cg" 'tex-tab-toggle) (local-set-key "\C-i" 'tab-to-tab-stop) (local-set-key "\"" 'self-insert-command) )))
Chunk referenced in 2.21
<setup calendar hook 2.23> =
(setq calendar-load-hook (function (lambda () (define-key calendar-mode-map [down] 'move-down) (define-key calendar-mode-map [up] 'move-up) (define-key calendar-mode-map [left] 'move-left) (define-key calendar-mode-map [right] 'move-right) (european-calendar) ) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.21
<setup sgml hook 2.24> =
(defun ajh-xml-functions () (setq sgml-custom-markup `(("double quote" "\"\\r\""))) (setq sgml-local-catalogs `("/home/ajh/etc/sgml/catalog")) ) (add-hook `sgml-mode-hook `ajh-xml-functions)
Chunk referenced in 2.21

I like to have some additional features provided in xml-mode.

<setup server hooks 2.25> =
(add-hook 'server-switch-hook (lambda nil (let ((server-buf (current-buffer))) (bury-buffer) (switch-to-buffer-other-frame server-buf))))
Chunk referenced in 2.21

Make a server hook to create new frames when emacsclient called.

<set up autoloads 2.26> =
(autoload 'python-mode "python-mode" "Python editing mode" t) (autoload 'napier-mode "napier" "Napier mode" t nil) (autoload 'funnelweb-mode "funnelweb" "FunnelWeb mode" t nil) (autoload 'noweb-mode "noweb" "Noweb Mode" t nil) (autoload 'nutweb-mode "nutweb" "Nutweb Mode" t nil) ;(load "/sw/share/emacs/site-lisp/nxml-mode/rng-auto.el") (autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" "XML major mode" t) (cond ((equal server "murtoa") (autoload 'prolog-mode "/usr/local/lib/ciao/DOTemacs.el" "prolog editing mode" t nil) (load-file "/usr/local/lib/ciao/DOTemacs.el") ) ) (setq auto-mode-alist (append (list (cons "\\.w$" 'xml-mode) (cons "\\.xsl$" 'xml-mode) (cons "\\.xml$" 'xml-mode) (cons "\\.xlp$" 'xml-mode) (cons "\\.xlu$" 'xml-mode) (cons "\\.py$" 'python-mode) (cons "\\.s$" 'nutweb-mode) (cons "\\.nw$" 'noweb-mode) (cons "\\.N$" 'napier-mode) (cons "\\.fw$" 'funnelweb-mode) ) auto-mode-alist)) (setq interpreter-mode-alist (cons '("python" . python-mode) interpreter-mode-alist)) <psgml xml mode .emacs autoloads 2.46>
Chunk referenced in 2.1

Set up autoloads and automodes. These are modes that are triggered automatically by file suffixes. The modes themselves are autoloaded as necessary.

<global key bindings 2.27> =
(global-set-key "\M-s" 'save-buffer) (global-set-key "\C-cf" 'mc-fill) (global-set-key "\C-n" 'mc-next-line) (global-set-key "\C-o" nil) (setq tab-stop-list '(4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 80)) (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
Chunk referenced in 2.1

Define various global key bindings and other settings.

  1. C-c f fills a paragraph (like insert t f)
  2. Change C-n to my version of next line.
  3. Set the tabs to be four spaces apart, not 8.
  4. indent-tabs-mode is turned off. If this is true, indentation will use tab characters. I prefer spaces.

<set the frame titles 2.28> =
(setq frame-title-format "=%b=%f") (setq frame-icon-title-format "=%b") (setq icon-title-format "=%b")
Chunk referenced in 2.1

Finally, setup keyboard. The following code determines the style of keyboard. It would be nice if there some way of determining the keyboard type. I can't think of any way of extracting this from environment variables or the like.

(version 1.1.7) Now I have the server and host variables, we can test for the keyboard type. We do it like so:

<setup keyboard 2.29> =
(cond ((equal server "ararat") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "ballarat") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "bendigo") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "bittern") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "clematis") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "dimboola") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "murtoa") (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "Ararat" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "localhost" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "roaming-.*" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "dyn-.*" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "dhcp.*-.*" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "bsit.*-.*" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((string-match "wc-caul-jhurst" server) (load "powerbook-keys")) ((equal server "junee") (load "ppc-keys")) ((equal server "central") (load "pc-keys")) ((equal server "hawthorn") (load "pc-keys")) ((equal server "indy03") (load "indy-keys")) ((null server) (load "powerbook-keys")) )
Chunk referenced in 2.1

2.9 Multiple Frames

I find it handy when Emacs is fired up to make a number of frames immediately. The frame parameters of this initial frame set are adjusted to make the frames appear on the desktop below the default one.

<number of additional initial frames 2.30> = 0
Chunk referenced in 2.31
<create multiple frames 2.31> =
(setq default-frame-alist '((tool-bar-lines . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 1) (height . 60) (width . 80) (top . 0) (left . 0))) (setq i 0) (cond ((equal host server) (while (< i <number of additional initial frames 2.30>) (make-frame (list (cons 'user-position t) (cons 'top 0) (cons 'left 770) (cons 'visibility 'icon))) (setq i (1+ i)) ) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.1

Rev up a <number of additional initial frames 2.30>. I do this because I have not yet worked out how to send a signal from the external environment into emacs to cause it to spawn a new window. Hence I just make some spares, and drag around the desktop as necessary.

The spare frames are made iconic initially, but it seems that the positioning parameters don't work in this case. However, I have left them in, to indicate where I want the frames to appear! (This would seem to be a bug in something?) (v1.2.5) Problem solved! The addition of the user-position parameter and setting it non-nil fixed this. See the ELisp manual page 528.

2.10 XEmacs customization

<XEmacs customization 2.32> =
(cond (running-xemacs ;; ;; Code for any version of XEmacs/Lucid Emacs goes here ;; <set xemacs variables 2.33> <set ispell parameters 2.34> **** Chunk omitted! <set buffer name format in mode line 2.35> <running under X code 2.36> **** Chunk omitted! <sticky modifier keys 2.38> **** Chunk omitted! <setup window title bar 2.39> **** Chunk omitted! <setup emacs sounds 2.40> **** Chunk omitted! ; (cond ((string-match ":0" (getenv "DISPLAY")) ; nil ;(load-default-sounds) ; ) ; (t ; (setq bell-volume 40) ; (setq sound-alist ; (append sound-alist '((no-completion :pitch 500)))) ; )) ;; Make `C-x C-m' and `C-x RET' be different (since I tend ;; to type the latter by accident sometimes.) ;(define-key global-map [(control x) return] nil) ;; Change the pointer used when the mouse is over a modeline ;(set-glyph-image modeline-pointer-glyph "leftbutton") ;; Change the pointer used during garbage collection. ;; ;; Note that this pointer image is rather large as pointers go, ;; and so it won't work on some X servers (such as the MIT ;; R5 Sun server) because servers may have lamentably small ;; upper limits on pointer size. ;;(if (featurep 'xpm) ;; (set-glyph-image gc-pointer-glyph ;; (expand-file-name "trash.xpm" data-directory))) ;; Here's another way to do that: it first tries to load the ;; pointer once and traps the error, just to see if it's ;; possible to load that pointer on this system; if it is, ;; then it sets gc-pointer-glyph, because we know that ;; will work. Otherwise, it doesn't change that variable ;; because we know it will just cause some error messages. ; (if (featurep 'xpm) ; (let ((file (expand-file-name "recycle.xpm" data-directory))) ; (if (condition-case error ; ;; check to make sure we can use the pointer. ; (make-image-instance file nil ; '(pointer)) ; (error nil)) ; returns nil if an error occurred. ; (set-glyph-image gc-pointer-glyph file)))) ;; Add `dired' to the File menu ;(add-menu-item '("File") "Edit Directory" 'dired t) ; ;; Here's a way to add scrollbar-like buttons to the menubar ; (add-menu-item nil "Top" 'beginning-of-buffer t) ; (add-menu-item nil "<<<" 'scroll-down t) ; (add-menu-item nil " . " 'recenter t) ; (add-menu-item nil ">>>" 'scroll-up t) ; (add-menu-item nil "Bot" 'end-of-buffer t) ;; Change the behavior of mouse button 2 (which is normally ;; bound to `mouse-yank'), so that it inserts the selected text ;; at point (where the text cursor is), instead of at the ;; position clicked. ;; ;; Note that you can find out what a particular key sequence or ;; mouse button does by using the "Describe Key..." option on ;; the Help menu. ;(setq mouse-yank-at-point t) ;; ;; When editing C code (and Lisp code and the like), I often ;; like to insert tabs into comments and such. It gets to be ;; a pain to always have to use `C-q TAB', so I set up a more ;; convenient binding. Note that this does not work in ;; TTY frames. ; (define-key global-map '(shift tab) 'self-insert-command) ;; LISPM bindings of Control-Shift-C and Control-Shift-E. ;; Note that "\C-C" means Control-C, not Control-Shift-C. ;; To specify shifted control characters, you must use the ;; more verbose syntax used here. ; (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map '(control C) 'compile-defun) ; (define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map '(control E) 'eval-defun) ;; If you like the FSF Emacs binding of button3 (single-click ;; extends the selection, double-click kills the selection), ;; uncomment the following: ;; Under 19.13, the following is enough: (define-key global-map 'button3 'mouse-track-adjust) ;; But under 19.12, you need this: ;(define-key global-map 'button3 ; (lambda (event) ; (interactive "e") ; (let ((default-mouse-track-adjust t)) ; (mouse-track event)))) ;; Under both 19.12 and 19.13, you also need this: (add-hook 'mouse-track-click-hook (lambda (event count) (if (or (/= (event-button event) 3) (/= count 2)) nil ;; do the normal operation (kill-region (point) (mark)) t ;; don't do the normal operations. ))) ;; If you select text, and you want the next input to ;; replace that selected text, uncomment the following line. (if running-emacs (require 'pending-del)) )) ;;; Older versions of emacs did not have these variables ;;; (emacs-major-version and emacs-minor-version.) ;;; Let's define them if they're not around, since they make ;;; it much easier to conditionalize on the emacs version. (if (and (not (boundp 'emacs-major-version)) (string-match "^[0-9]+" emacs-version)) (setq emacs-major-version (string-to-int (substring emacs-version (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))))) (if (and (not (boundp 'emacs-minor-version)) (string-match "^[0-9]+\\.\\([0-9]+\\)" emacs-version)) (setq emacs-minor-version (string-to-int (substring emacs-version (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Customization of Specific Packages ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ******************** ;;; Load ange-ftp, which uses the FTP protocol as a pseudo-filesystem. ;;; When this is loaded, the pathname syntax /user@host:/remote/path ;;; refers to files accessible through ftp. ;;; ;(require 'dired) ;(require 'ange-ftp) ;(setq ange-ftp-default-user "anonymous" ; id to use for /host:/remote/path ; ange-ftp-generate-anonymous-password t ; use $USER@`hostname` ; ange-ftp-binary-file-name-regexp "." ; always transfer in binary mode ; ) ;; This adds additional extensions which indicate files normally ;; handled by cc-mode. ;(setq auto-mode-alist ; (append '(("\\.C$" . c++-mode) ; ("\\.cc$" . c++-mode) ; ("\\.hh$" . c++-mode) ; ("\\.c$" . c-mode) ; ("\\.h$" . c-mode)) ; auto-mode-alist)) ;;; ******************** ;;; cc-mode (the mode you're in when editing C, C++, and Objective C files) ;; Tell cc-mode not to check for old-style (K&R) function declarations. ;; This speeds up indenting a lot. ;(setq c-recognize-knr-p nil) ;;; Change the indentation amount to 4 spaces instead of 2. ;;; You have to do it in this complicated way because of the ;;; strange way the cc-mode initializes the value of `c-basic-offset'. ;(add-hook 'c-mode-hook (lambda () (setq c-basic-offset 4))) ;;; ******************** ;;; Load a partial-completion mechanism, which makes minibuffer completion ;;; search multiple words instead of just prefixes; for example, the command ;;; `M-x byte-compile-and-load-file RET' can be abbreviated as `M-x b-c-a RET' ;;; because there are no other commands whose first three words begin with ;;; the letters `b', `c', and `a' respectively. ;;; ;(load-library "completer") ;;; ******************** ;;; Load crypt, which is a package for automatically decoding and reencoding ;;; files by various methods - for example, you can visit a .Z or .gz file, ;;; edit it, and have it automatically re-compressed when you save it again. ;;; ;(setq crypt-encryption-type 'pgp ; default encryption mechanism ; crypt-confirm-password t ; make sure new passwords are correct ; ;crypt-never-ever-decrypt t ; if you don't encrypt anything, set this to ; ; tell it not to assume that "binary" ; ; are encrypted and require a password. ; ) ;(require 'crypt) ;;; ******************** ;;; Edebug is a source-level debugger for emacs-lisp programs. ;;; ;(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map "\C-xx" 'edebug-defun) ;;; ******************** ;;; Font-Lock is a syntax-highlighting package. When it is enabled and you ;;; are editing a program, different parts of your program will appear in ;;; different fonts or colors. For example, with the code below, comments ;;; appear in red italics, function names in function definitions appear in ;;; blue bold, etc. The code below will cause font-lock to automatically be ;;; enabled when you edit C, C++, Emacs-Lisp, and many other kinds of ;;; programs. ;;; ;;; The "Options" menu has some commands for controlling this as well. ;;; ;(cond (running-xemacs ; ;; If you want the default colors, you could do this: ; ;; (setq font-lock-use-default-fonts nil) ; ;; (setq font-lock-use-default-colors t) ; ;; but I want to specify my own colors, so I turn off all ; ;; default values. ; (setq font-lock-use-default-fonts nil) ; (setq font-lock-use-default-colors nil) ; (require 'font-lock) ; ;; Mess around with the faces a bit. Note that you have ; ;; to change the font-lock-use-default-* variables *before* ; ;; loading font-lock, and wait till *after* loading font-lock ; ;; to customize the faces. ; ;; string face is green ; (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-string-face "forest green") ; ;; comments are italic and red; doc strings are italic ; ;; ; ;; (I use copy-face instead of make-face-italic/make-face-bold ; ;; because the startup code does intelligent things to the ; ;; 'italic and 'bold faces to ensure that they are different ; ;; from the default face. For example, if the default face ; ;; is bold, then the 'bold face will be unbold.) ; ;(copy-face 'italic 'font-lock-comment-face) ; ;; Underling comments looks terrible on tty's ; (set-face-underline-p 'font-lock-comment-face nil 'global 'tty) ; (set-face-highlight-p 'font-lock-comment-face t 'global 'tty) ; (copy-face 'font-lock-comment-face 'font-lock-doc-string-face) ; (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-comment-face "red") ; ;; function names are bold and blue ; (copy-face 'bold 'font-lock-function-name-face) ; (set-face-foreground 'font-lock-function-name-face "blue") ; ;; misc. faces ; (and (find-face 'font-lock-preprocessor-face) ; 19.13 and above ; (copy-face 'bold 'font-lock-preprocessor-face)) ; (copy-face 'italic 'font-lock-type-face) ; (copy-face 'bold 'font-lock-keyword-face) ; )) ;;; ******************** ;;; fast-lock is a package which speeds up the highlighting of files ;;; by saving information about a font-locked buffer to a file and ;;; loading that information when the file is loaded again. This ;;; requires a little extra disk space be used. ;;; ;;; Normally fast-lock puts the cache file (the filename appended with ;;; .flc) in the same directory as the file it caches. You can ;;; specify an alternate directory to use by setting the variable ;;; fast-lock-cache-directories. ;; Let's use lazy-lock instead. ;(add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'turn-on-fast-lock) ;(setq fast-lock-cache-directories '("/foo/bar/baz")) ;;; ******************** ;;; lazy-lock is a package which speeds up the highlighting of files ;;; by doing it "on-the-fly" -- only the visible portion of the ;;; buffer is fontified. The results may not always be quite as ;;; accurate as using full font-lock or fast-lock, but it's *much* ;;; faster. No more annoying pauses when you load files. ;(add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'turn-on-lazy-lock) ;; I personally don't like "stealth mode" (where lazy-lock starts ;; fontifying in the background if you're idle for 30 seconds) ;; because it takes too long to wake up again on my piddly Sparc 1+. ;(setq lazy-lock-stealth-time nil) ;;; ******************** ;;; func-menu is a package that scans your source file for function ;;; definitions and makes a menubar entry that lets you jump to any ;;; particular function definition by selecting it from the menu. The ;;; following code turns this on for all of the recognized languages. ;;; Scanning the buffer takes some time, but not much. ;;; ;;; Send bug reports, enhancements etc to: ;;; David Hughes <> ;;; ;(cond (running-xemacs ; (require 'func-menu) ; (define-key global-map 'f14 'function-menu) ; (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'fume-add-menubar-entry) ; (define-key global-map "\C-cl" 'fume-list-functions) ; (define-key global-map "\C-cg" 'fume-prompt-function-goto) ;; The Hyperbole information manager package uses (shift button2) and ;; (shift button3) to provide context-sensitive mouse keys. If you ;; use this next binding, it will conflict with Hyperbole's setup. ;; Choose another mouse key if you use Hyperbole. ; (define-key global-map '(shift button3) 'mouse-function-menu) ;; For descriptions of the following user-customizable variables, ;; type C-h v <variable> ; (setq fume-max-items 25 ; fume-fn-window-position 3 ; fume-auto-position-popup t ; fume-display-in-modeline-p t ; fume-menubar-menu-location "File" ; fume-buffer-name "*Function List*" ; fume-no-prompt-on-valid-default nil) ; )) ;;; ******************** ;;; MH is a mail-reading system from the Rand Corporation that relies on a ;;; number of external filter programs (which do not come with emacs.) ;;; Emacs provides a nice front-end onto MH, called "mh-e". ;;; ;; Bindings that let you send or read mail using MH ;(global-set-key "\C-xm" 'mh-smail) ;(global-set-key "\C-x4m" 'mh-smail-other-window) ;(global-set-key "\C-cr" 'mh-rmail) ;; Customization of MH behavior. ;(setq mh-delete-yanked-msg-window t) ;(setq mh-yank-from-start-of-msg 'body) ;(setq mh-summary-height 11) ;; Use lines like the following if your version of MH ;; is in a special place. ;(setq mh-progs "/usr/dist/pkgs/mh/bin.svr4/") ;(setq mh-lib "/usr/dist/pkgs/mh/lib.svr4/") ;;; ******************** ;;; resize-minibuffer-mode makes the minibuffer automatically ;;; resize as necessary when it's too big to hold its contents. ;(autoload 'resize-minibuffer-mode "rsz-minibuf" nil t) ;(resize-minibuffer-mode) ;(setq resize-minibuffer-window-exactly nil) ;;; ******************** ;;; W3 is a browser for the World Wide Web, and takes advantage of the very ;;; latest redisplay features in XEmacs. You can access it simply by typing ;;; 'M-x w3'; however, if you're unlucky enough to be on a machine that is ;;; behind a firewall, you will have to do something like this first: ;(setq w3-use-telnet t ; ;; ; ;; If the Telnet program you use to access the outside world is ; ;; not called "telnet", specify its name like this. ; w3-telnet-prog "itelnet" ; ;; ; ;; If your Telnet program adds lines of junk at the beginning ; ;; of the session, specify the number of lines here. ; w3-telnet-header-length 4 ; ) ;(setq w3-default-homepage "") ;(setq url-keep-history t) ;(setq minibuffer-max-depth nil) ;(set-specifier default-toolbar-visible-p nil)
Chunk referenced in 2.1
<set xemacs variables 2.33> =
(setq find-file-use-truenames nil find-file-compare-truenames t minibuffer-confirm-incomplete t complex-buffers-menu-p nil next-line-add-newlines nil ; mail-yank-prefix "> " kill-whole-line t )
Chunk referenced in 2.32

Change the values of some variables. (t means true; nil means false.) Use the "Describe Variable..." C-h v keystrokes to find out what these variables mean.

<set ispell parameters 2.34> =
(setq ispell-extra-args '("-W" "3"))
Chunk referenced in 2.32

When running ispell, consider all 1-3 character words as correct.

<set buffer name format in mode line 2.35> =
(if (boundp 'modeline-buffer-identification) (progn (setq-default modeline-buffer-identification '("XEmacs: %17b")) (setq modeline-buffer-identification '("XEmacs: %17b")) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.32

Change the way the buffer name is displayed in the modeline. The variable for this is called modeline-buffer-identification but was called mode-line-buffer-identification in older XEmacsen.

<running under X code 2.36> =
(cond ((or (not (fboundp 'device-type)) (equal (device-type) 'x)) <X specific code 2.37> ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.32

Code which applies only when running emacs under X goes here. (We check whether the function device-type exists before using it. In versions before 19.12, there was no such function. If it doesn't exist, we simply assume we're running under X -- versions before 19.12 only supported X.)

<X specific code 2.37> =
Chunk referenced in 2.36
<sticky modifier keys 2.38> =
(setq modifier-keys-are-sticky t)
Chunk referenced in 2.32

Uncomment this to enable ``sticky modifier keys'' in 19.13 and up. With sticky modifier keys enabled, you can press and release a modifier key before pressing the key to be modified, like how the ESC key works always. If you hold the modifier key down, however, you still get the standard behavior. I personally think this is the best thing since sliced bread (and a *major* win when it comes to reducing Emacs pinky), but it's disorienting at first so I'm not enabling it here by default.

<setup window title bar 2.39> =
(if (equal frame-title-format "%S: %b") (setq frame-title-format (concat "%S: " invocation-directory invocation-name " [" emacs-version "]" (if nil ; (getenv "NCD") "" " %b") ) ) )
Chunk referenced in 2.32

This changes the variable which controls the text that goes in the top window title bar. (However, it is not changed unless it currently has the default value, to avoid interfering with a -wn command line argument I may have started emacs with.)

<setup emacs sounds 2.40> =
Chunk referenced in 2.32

If we're running on display 0, load some nifty sounds that will replace the default beep. But if we're running on a display other than 0, which probably means my NCD X terminal, which can't play digitized sounds, do two things: reduce the beep volume a bit, and change the pitch of the sound that is made for "no completions."

(Note that sampled sounds only work if XEmacs was compiled with sound support, and we're running on the console of a Sparc, HP, or SGI machine, or on a machine which has a NetAudio server; otherwise, you just get the standard beep.)

(Note further that changing the pitch and duration of the standard beep only works with some X servers; many servers completely ignore those parameters.)

<set up autosaves 2.41> =
(setq auto-save-directory (expand-file-name "~/autosave/") auto-save-directory-fallback auto-save-directory auto-save-hash-p nil ange-ftp-auto-save t ange-ftp-auto-save-remotely nil
Chunk defined in 2.41,2.42,2.43

Define a variable to indicate whether we're running XEmacs/Lucid Emacs. (You do not have to defvar a global variable before using it -- you can just call `setq' directly like we do for `emacs-major-version' below. It's clearer this way, though.)

Load the auto-save.el package, which lets you put all of your autosave files in one place, instead of scattering them around the file system. This is xemacs specific.

<set up autosaves 2.42> =
auto-save-interval 2000 )
Chunk defined in 2.41,2.42,2.43

Now that we have auto-save-timeout, we crank this up for a better interactive response.

<set up autosaves 2.43> =
(require 'auto-save)
Chunk defined in 2.41,2.42,2.43

We load this afterwards because it checks to make sure the auto-save-directory exists (creating it if not) when it's loaded.

2.11 Emacs customization

The first thing to set is transient-mark-mode, which makes the region get highlighted regardless of whether selected by mouse drag of point and mark positioning.

<Emacs customization 2.44> =
(cond ((not running-xemacs) (setq transient-mark-mode t) <start emacsclient 2.45> )) <customization 2.12>
Chunk referenced in 2.1

I run an emacs client for handling exmh mail editing. Here we start that emacsclient.

<start emacsclient 2.45> =
Chunk referenced in 2.44

2.12 Various Application Customizations

2.12.1 The PSGML SGML editing mode

This is the READ ME file for psgml.el version 1.0

PSGML is a major mode for editing SGML documents. It works with GNU Emacs 19.19 and later or with XEmacs 19.13.

This distribution should contain the following source files:

psgml-api.texi	-- internals documentation
psgml-api.el	-- Extra functions for the API
In addition the distribution contains the formatted versions of the documentation files (, ...). But the compiled elisp code is no longer supplied. You will have to byte compile the files before PSGML will achieve usable speed. PSGML now comes with autoconf support. See INSTALL for generic instructions. Run
sh configure
and possibly
make install
If you are using xemacs, you can run give the argument `--with-xemacs' to configure, or use `make xemacs'. Instead of using configure you can load the psgml-main.el file and run the command psgml-compile-files. Then you have to set load-path or move the .elc files. Send bug reports, comments and suggestions to New in version 1.0

Main changes: Entity support: PSGML will recognize entity references (except in attribute values). If the entity is a general text entity, PSGML will also parse the content of the entity. To support this PSGML has a new entity manager with a new mechanism for looking up entities (see belove). Short references are also supported, for the short reference delimiters from the concrete reference syntax. There are some new and changed commands to complete the entity support: Fontification: If `sgml-set-face' is true and the DTD has been activated, PSGML will automatically set the face of markup in the buffer. First the current line is parsed and fontified. If this would mean parsing more than 500 chars, wait 1 second first. The rest of the buffer is fontified after 6 seconds idle time. Fontification can be interrupted by any input event. The buffer can be fontified initially if `sgml-auto-activate-dtd' is true. New entity manager: The new entity manager will handle an entity reference thus: New and changed options: Various: Changes to API:

2.12.2 XML Support for PSGML

This document copied from David Megginson's README.XML. XML modifications copyright {\copyright} David Megginson, 1997 and 1998 Distributed under the same copyright terms as PSGML. NO WARRANTY: use at your OWN RISK! PSGML now has a new major mode called xml-mode. To use this, you should add the following declarations to your .emacs or site-start.el files: <psgml xml mode .emacs autoloads 2.46> =
(autoload 'xml-mode "psgml" nil t) (load-library "psgml")
Chunk referenced in 2.26

I'm still experimenting with these declarations (v1.1.12), but these are here to control the validation process, and make it use XML4C2 instead of nsgmls.

<psgml xml mode variables 2.47> =
(make-face 'sgml-start-tag-face) (make-face 'sgml-end-tag-face) (cond ((equal server "bendigo") (set-face-background 'sgml-start-tag-face "palegreen") (set-face-background 'sgml-end-tag-face "hotpink") ) ((equal server "ararat") (set-face-background 'sgml-start-tag-face "palegreen") (set-face-background 'sgml-end-tag-face "pink") ) ((equal server "ballarat") (set-face-background 'sgml-start-tag-face "palegreen") (set-face-background 'sgml-end-tag-face "pink") ) (t (set-face-background 'sgml-start-tag-face "palegreen") (set-face-background 'sgml-end-tag-face "pink") ) ) (setq sgml-markup-faces '( (start-tag . sgml-start-tag-face) (end-tag . sgml-end-tag-face) ) ) (defun my-sgml-mode-hook () "SGML mode customization" (setq sgml-set-face t) (setq sgml-indent-data t) (setq sgml-declaration nil) (setq sgml-validate-command "DOMCount %s %s") (setq sgml-auto-insert-required-elements t) ) (add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook 'my-sgml-mode-hook)
Chunk referenced in 2.15
Chunk defined in 2.47,2.48,2.49
If you want to use a newish version of nsgmls to do XML validation, you should also include the following (for /usr/src/jade/pubtext/xml.dcl, substitute the location on your system of the XML-compatible SGML declaration distributed with Jade.): <psgml xml mode variables 2.48> =
;(setq sgml-xml-declaration (concat homedir "/sgml/lib/jade/xml.dcl"))
Chunk referenced in 2.15
Chunk defined in 2.47,2.48,2.49
When you edit an XML file, the xml-mode will set the following PSGML variables automatically:
  Variable			Value	Explanation
  sgml-omittag			nil	(OMITTAG forbidden by XML.)
  sgml-shorttag			nil	(SHORTTAG forbidden by XML.)
  sgml-minimize-attributes	nil	(Forbidden by XML.)
  sgml-always-quote-attributes	t	(Required by XML.)
  sgml-namecase-general		nil	(Required by XML.)

(The last one is a new variable that is also available in sgml-mode, corresponding to NAMECASE GENERAL NO in an SGML declaration.)

Furthermore, the parser will add or alter some of the delimiters to conform to XML.

2.12.3 Note on System Identifiers

XML emphasises system identifiers rather than public identifiers, so document exchange can be tricky. This new version of PSGML makes better use of the `sgml-system-path' variable to allow you to make files available from any directory on your system. For example, if you put the file `spec.dtd' in the directory `/home/david/xml/dtds', and then include in your .emacs file

<psgml xml mode variables 2.49> =
;(setq sgml-system-path '("." "/home/ajh/sgml/lib/dtd"))
Chunk referenced in 2.15
Chunk defined in 2.47,2.48,2.49

you can simply use

&lt;!DOCTYPE spec SYSTEM "spec.dtd">

in your XML document, and PSGML will find spec.dtd even if it is not actually in the current directory.

Nsgmlsv already uses a similar mechanism with its SGML_SEARCH_PATH environment variable; in fact, if you have SGML_SEARCH_PATH set, PSGML will use it automatically to set the initial value of `sgml-system-path'.

subsubsubsection{XML Features Currently Supported} subsubsubsection{XML Features Not Yet Supported}

The first two need to be fixed for Emacs in general, and not just for a single mode:

The remainder can be caught by using a fully conforming XML parser, like XP, in tandem with PSGML:

2.12.4 Ulrich Windl's Code

This bit of code was posted to the SGML Tools mailing list. I haven't done anything with it yet, but put it here for future reference.

<Ulrich Windl's Code 2.50> =
;;; PSGML (load "/usr/doc/packages/psgml/dot.emacs") (defun my-sgml-mode-hook () "SGML mode customization" (setq sgml-set-face t) (setq sgml-validate-command "DOMCount %s %s") (setq sgml-auto-insert-required-elements t) ) ; (default imported from environment) (setq sgml-declaration nil) (setq sgml-catalog-files (cons "/usr/lib/sgml-tools/dtd/catalog" sgml-catalog-files)) (setq sgml-catalog-files (cons "~/SGML/catalog" sgml-catalog-files)) (setq sgml-catalog-files (cons "/usr/doc/packages/docbk30/CATALOG.example" sgml-catalog-files)) (setq sgml-trace-entity-lookup t) ; trace lookups (setq sgml-markup-faces '((start-tag . bold) (end-tag . bold) (comment . italic) (pi . bold) (sgml . bold) (doctype . bold) (entity . bold-italic) (shortref . underline))) (add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook 'my-sgml-mode-hook)

2.13 The Makefile

The Makefile handles the nitty-gritty of copying files to the right places, and setting permissions, etc.

Note the nifty use of ${HOST} as parameter to nutweb to get the right version of things for the current platform created. This is used in all the @@&lt;$1@@] references in macros such as (not used).

"Makefile" 2.51 =
default=emacs GenFiles = .emacs install-emacs include ${HOME}/etc/MakeXLP install-emacs: emacs.tangle cp .emacs ${HOME} touch install-emacs install: install-emacs all: install emacs.dvi clean: litclean -rm $(GenFiles)

3. Date and Time

"date-time.el" 3.1 =
(defun date () (interactive) (let ((s (current-time-string))) (let ( (d (substring s 8 10)) (m (substring s 4 7)) (y (substring s 20 24)) ) (if (string= " " (substring d 0 1)) (aset d 0 ?0)) (setq m (cdr (assoc m '(("Jan"."01")("Feb"."02")("Mar"."03") ("Apr"."04")("May"."05")("Jun"."06") ("Jul"."07")("Aug"."08")("Sep"."09") ("Oct"."10")("Nov"."11")("Dec"."12") )))) (concat y m d) ) ) ) (defun today () (interactive) (let ((s (current-time-string))) (let ( (d (substring s 8 10)) (m (substring s 4 7)) (y (substring s 20 24)) ) (if (string= " " (substring d 0 1)) (aset d 0 ?0)) (concat d " " m " " y) ) ) ) (defun time () (interactive) (let* ((cts (current-time-string)) (h (substring cts 11 13)) (m (substring cts 14 16)) (s (substring cts 17 19)) ) (concat h m s) ) ) (defun date-time () (interactive) (concat (date) ":" (time)) ) (defun stamp-date-time () "insert date and time in format yyyymmdd:hhmmss into buffer at point" (interactive) (insert (date-time)) ) (provide 'date-time)

This file provides dates and times in a modified ISO 8601 format (change 'T' to ':' for improved readability).

Document History

02 Oct 1998 ajh 1.0 first version to get a version number!
02 Oct 1998 ajh 1.1 Add SGML and XML sections
04 Oct 1998 ajh 1.1.1 make clean improvements
06 May 1999 ajh 1.1.2 add GNU Emacs colour improvements
08 May 1999 ajh 1.1.3 change face and colour customization to general
12 May 1999 ajh 1.1.4 add multiple frames to both XEmacs and GNU Emacs
17 May 1999 ajh 1.1.5 change number of multiple frames
19 May 1999 ajh 1.1.6 birthday change to initial frame set creation
07 Jun 1999 ajh 1.1.7 ... which now takes note of which server we are on
16 Jun 1999 ajh 1.1.8 add psgml load-path to emacs
21 Jun 1999 ajh 1.1.9 hawthorn specific stuff
15 Jul 1999 ajh 1.1.10 add ``load-library mh-e'', which seems to be not required on indy03, but is on hawthorn.
16 Nov 1999 ajh 1.1.11 add Ulrich Windl's code for PSGML (but not yet linked in)
12 Dec 1999 ajh 1.1.12 sgml changes
07 Jan 2000 ajh 1.1.13 remove auto xml
06 Apr 2000 ajh 1.1.14 add /usr/src/psgml-1.2.1/ (psgml) load path
11 Apr 2000 ajh 1.1.15 revise XML psgml setup
11 Apr 2000 ajh 1.2.0 revise to xlp2 markup
01 Aug 2000 ajh 1.2.1 remove host variation in frame titles
19 Aug 2000 ajh 1.2.2 customization for junee
20001115:083627 ajh 1.2.3 revised frame startup and placement (Multiple Frames)
20001122:075501 ajh 1.2.4 adjustments to frame startup
20010306:100720 ajh 1.2.5 adjustments to frame startup: fixed positioning problem
20030524:123034 ajh 1.3.0 Convert to full xml, add xlp mode
20080705:135329 ajh 1.3.1 add localhost to set of recognized servers
20080717:105800 ajh 1.3.2 Added date and time functions
20080722:130551 ajh 1.3.3 added .xlu as XML mode extension

4. Indices

4.1 Files

File Name Defined in
.emacs 2.1
Makefile 2.51
date-time.el 3.1

4.2 Chunks

Chunk Name Defined in Used in
Emacs customization 2.44 2.1
Ulrich Windl's Code 2.50
X specific code 2.37 2.36
XEmacs customization 2.32 2.1
basic customization 2.7, 2.8 2.1
create multiple frames 2.31 2.1
customization 2.12 2.44
default time zone rule 2.10 2.9
define whether emacs or xemacs 2.2 2.1
face and colour customization 2.11, 2.13 2.1
face and colour customization 2.11, 2.13 2.1
get environment 2.19 2.15
global key bindings 2.27 2.1
handle various windowing methods 2.20 2.1
load up macro collections 2.14 2.1
number of additional initial frames 2.30 2.31
psgml xml mode .emacs autoloads 2.46 2.26
psgml xml mode variables 2.47, 2.48, 2.49 2.15
running under X code 2.36 2.32
set buffer name format in mode line 2.35 2.32
set ispell parameters 2.34 2.32
set number of old versions kept 2.18 2.15
set some variables 2.15 2.1
set term file prefix 2.16 2.15
set the frame titles 2.28 2.1
set time zone 2.9 2.1
set up autoloads 2.26 2.1
set up autosaves 2.41, 2.42, 2.43
set up load path 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 2.1
set version control 2.17 2.15
set xemacs variables 2.33 2.32
setup UTF-8 2.3 2.1
setup calendar hook 2.23 2.21
setup emacs sounds 2.40 2.32
setup hooks 2.21 2.1
setup keyboard 2.29 2.1
setup server hooks 2.25 2.21
setup sgml hook 2.24 2.21
setup tex-mode hook 2.22 2.21
setup window title bar 2.39 2.32
start emacsclient 2.45 2.44
sticky modifier keys 2.38 2.32

4.3 Identifiers

Identifier Defined in Used in